Utah Tech University

Booth Wellness Center

UT’s Booth Wellness Center is a comprehensive integrated care clinic offering both medical and mental health services to UT students. Medical & Health services include general services, including sick visits, minor wound care, medical testing, lab work, and exams. Mental Health Services include brief mental health services for students to help deal with mental health, emotional, or behavioral issues.

Services are confidential and free to currently enrolled UT students. We also provide Health Education & Prevention services which include topics such as suicide awareness, stress management, and general wellness.

Need an Appointment?

Step 1: Call 435-652-7755 to schedule an appointment
*New client and patient paperwork must be filled out annually

Click below to review the HIPAA Notice

HIPAA Notice

Student mental health appointments are free, unless otherwise indicated.  Medical services performed at an appointment are charged $15.00 per service.  All fees are to be paid at the time of the appointment.  Please see the Service Fees form for more cost details.

If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, please call and cancel at least 2 hours before the appointment. If notice to cancel an appointment is not received at least 2 hours before their appointment time, patients will be assessed a $10.00 charge for a missed appointment.

Additional services (labs, assessments, testing, etc.) may have fees based upon services utilized.

Service Fees

More Information


All inquiries and discussions between patients and BWC providers are treated confidentially. The fact that you are receiving counseling and/or medical services, as well as the specific content of your treatment, is confidential. No office or individual outside of the Booth Wellness Center may have access to treatment information without your prior, express, written permission except for the exceptions listed below. The BWC adheres to the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association, National Association of Social Workers, and American Medical Association as well as State and local laws. BWC records are governed by GRAMA and FERPA, and we generally seek to be compliant with HIPAA standards. The BWC maintains clinical records in a confidential electronic health record system. Any hard copies of your records are maintained in secure and locked files.
The only exceptions to confidentiality are those required by law such as requirements that we report suspected or known abuse, neglect, or exploitation of children or disabled adults or previously unreported communicable diseases. In cases of imminent danger to self or others, the BWC may be required or allowed to break confidentiality to secure your safety or that of others. Providers may be required to give information to judges or courts of law if a valid subpoena or court order is issued. Your provider may consult with other BWC providers for the purpose of treatment and to provide the best care possible or for training purposes.


Booth Wellness Center medical and counseling services are available to current degree-seeking and student fee-paying Utah Tech University undergraduate and graduate students enrolled for at least one credit hour. Eligibility requirements do not apply to concurrent enrollment students or unaffiliated students. Students under 18 years of age may need parental consent to participate in counseling services at the BWC.

Preparing For Your Visit

The Booth Wellness Center Services are offered by appointment, please call ahead.  Feel free to also call us if you have any questions:

1. Make an appointment by calling 435-652-7755.

2. Show up 20 minutes early for your appointment to fill out forms in our office.

3. Please bring your UT ID card.

Individuals Younger Than 18 Years Old

Any individual under the age of 18 must submit a Minor Consent for Treatment Form giving permission from their legal guardian to be treated prior to making an appointment for medical services or mental health services.

Minor Consent Form


The materials contained within these pages are presented by Utah Tech University for informational purposes and not intended to be used as medical treatment. The resources presented are not a substitute for professional care or attention by a qualified practitioner, nor should they be inferred as such. UT is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any form of damages resulting from the misinterpretation of information contained or implied herein. Always check with a medical professional if you have questions or concerns about your condition.

The UT Booth Wellness Center provides acute health care, health education, brief mental health services and referrals to community partners so that students are able to pursue their academic, career, and personal goals.  The UT Booth Wellness Center also offers wellness program that delivers educational services and information to teach wellness-based approaches to life, enhance coping skills, and encourage the development of healthy lifestyles and behaviors.

The UT Booth Wellness Center employs a staff of experienced, licensed medical and mental health practitioners for appointments. We work to provide high quality, cost-effective care for UT students.  We strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for students of all ages, cultures, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, mental and physical abilities, national origins, races, religions, sexual orientations, sizes and socioeconomic statuses.  We invite you to visit the Booth Wellness Center where we have resources regarding mental health, sexual responsibility, alcohol and other drugs, tobacco cessation, nutrition, and other basic health issues. Condoms are also available for free at the front desk.


Booth Wellness Center

Phone: 435-652-7755

Office: 1037 E. 100 S.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline:

Phone: 988

Crisis Text Line

Phone: Text 'HOME' to 741741

UT Police Dispatch

Phone: 435-627-4300

Spring Hours of Operation

Medical Services are typically available between 9:00AM-4:00PM on days the office is open.


  • Closed.


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • Closed.